Rev. Travis E. Kern, DMin, Pastor


We come together for worship each Sunday at 10 am, in person and online

We welcome all who wish to worship with us to St. John’s.

St. John’s celebrates Holy Communion each week and we welcome all people to the Lord’s table, including children.

During worship, the service and music lyrics are projected on the wall. A bulletin is shared electronically for those who wish to follow along whether at church or at home.

During the course of the worship service, we follow the traditional Lutheran liturgy with confession, lessons, and prayers. We say the Creed (Apostles or Nicene) and the Lord’s Prayer. Congregants sit and stand as they are able.

We continue to share worship on our digital campus through St. John’s YouTube channel, where worship is streamed live at 10 am on Sundays. You can also view past services on this channel. St. John’s kindly requests that you join worship on the digital campus when you are sick or if you have been sick within 24 hours of worship.

Children & Worship

St. John’s encourages families to worship together. Children of all ages are invited to participate in communion. Quiet activity bags are available for children.

Our nursery is currently unattended. Parents may be with their children in that space during worship. There is also a separate quieting room available for feeding infants at the back of the sanctuary


All are welcome to receive Communion including children, toddlers and older. We offer traditional bread and wine as well as pre-packaged communion elements with gluten-free bread and grape juice, for those who prefer or need those.

Inclement Weather Policy

For the safety of our members, St. John’s closes whenever Montgomery County Public Schools close for inclement weather. If schools are closed, so is the church. If after school activities are canceled, so are afternoon and evening activities at the church.

Closures on Saturday and Sunday will be announced on this site, our Facebook page, and by email.