St. John’s is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation
We welcome people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions, races, and socioeconomic statuses to be part of our congregation.
As part of this commitment, we are part of the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) network of ReconcilingWorks. We have made a public commitment in our Affirmation of Welcome below to welcome, include, celebrate, and advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) people. We are also committed to racial equity and anti-racism work.

Affirmation of Welcome
Called to fulfill our baptismal covenant, while seeking reconciliation with God and with people, we live in faithfulness, through Jesus Christ, by:
Trusting in God, we believe there is a place for people of all ages and physical and mental abilities at the Lord’s table.
Proclaiming Christ in word and deed, we open our doors to people of every nationality, race, and ethnicity, while confessing the sin of racism and the harm racism has caused.
Caring for others and the world God made, we invite and support people of all sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions into our community, as we commit ourselves to removing unspoken barriers to participation and leadership.
Working for justice and peace, we seek to include people of every social, economic, cultural, and faith background in the life and decision-making of the congregation, and strive to overcome injustice, discord, and fighting in our community and world.
We, the people of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, invite all people—believers, doubters, and seekers—to join us in creating space to explore the intersection of faith, life, and society.